Monday, March 6


Just told my hubby I'm going to the gym tonight. Plan to be there at 6:00. He didn't complain at all; said "OK". I go to the gym in the fire hall, it's free for firemen and ladies aux. members to use. Plus I have to be there to work on a catering job the aux is doing for 7. So might as well go early and get a work out done. Right?? Yup, the new improved me is coming out again :)

"Nova Knitter" I tried to go to your blog, and got a message that I wasn't authorized to view the site. Same thing happened on another blog that I go to daily as well. Just thought I'd let you know. Gee, hope it's not me :)

Not much going on here today. Housework and laundry - same ol' same ol'.

Gotta go get some lunch.


Donna M said...

Me too. Housework and laundry
I mean. Always seems to be there. My internet connection was down here, but it shouldn't have affected people viewing blogs I wouldn't think? Maybe, I honestly don't know.
I was planning on paying bills online and couldn't, so now that is on my todo list for tomorrow!!

Mary Anne said...


I hope your gym workout went well. You are taking on a lot of new stuff lately.

Dorothy said...

Mary Anne,
It's called being a sucker for punishment :)