Friday, March 10


The days is half over, and so far it's going pretty good. I seem to be getting lots of little jobs done that needed to be done. Which makes me happy.

I got all but one of my orders from the spice party delivered. Have one extra bottle of dried green peppers - definately not something that will get used by me if I'm told to keep it.

I got my hair trimmed yesterday morning. Had more compliments on my hair today.

I had had to return some yarn to Briggs & Little, and the replacement yarn came today. Wrapped in brown paper; a huge piece of brown paper. So I gave that paper to my daughters class and they were drawing a mural for their teacher on it at lunchtime. It was an inside day today; and I forgot my knitting at home!

I'm in the process of trying to find someone to watch Troy on Weds. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Mary Anne said...


good luck on finding a sitter for Troy. You could send him here and Sarah would watch over him.

I want to see pictures of your new hair!
