Today is report card day for the kids, so they are getting out of school at lunchtime. I have to go in at 2:00 to meet with Troy's resource teacher. Then back in town at 3:00 for Katie's curling. I don't like days like this; seems like all i do is run here and there.
This morning I went grocery shopping as soon as the kids left for school. Then got my hair trimmed; just enough to get rid of the dead ends. Looks a lot nicer! Came home and put all the groceries away. Didn't get two things on my list; which isn't bad. Otherwise I think I got enough groceries for 2 weeks.
Someone I know was picking up Philadelphia cream cheese because it's on sale 2/$5.00. I looked at it, and said "no" and started to walk away. She asked me why I wasn't getting any. So I told her it was because I knew that the no-name brand was $2.34 regular price, and it's made by the same company. She put hers back :) I bought 4 tubs of cream cheese, and 3 of sour cream. Need some for recipes in the next two weeks, and the rest is for making dips. I bought light, so it's not quite so fattening :)
I know a guy who works out in the fireman's gym almost every day. We've been trying to get there at the same time so he can help me to set up a routine. Saw him in the grocery store. He looked me up and down and said "you're losing". YUP! I'm wearing jeans that a month ago I couldn't zipper up :) All I said to him was "I think so". It's getting nicer, I'm getting more active, and I'm watching what I eat. But, it's going to go off a lot harder than it went on!
I signed up for a horse riding clinic on May 20th. At the place where Katie takes lessons, being taught by the lady that teaches her. I predict I'll be sore on the 21st! I really have to get out riding on Dee, so that I won't be totally un-used to it. Today would be a good day if there wasn't so much else going on.
Dan is going on Saturday to buy hay. We have a guy 1.5 hours away that we get it from. Dan called him yesterday to let him know he was coming, and he told him he had sold all his hay. I heard that much of the story and started to panic. Then Dan went on to tell me that the hay man had arranged with his neighbour for us to buy hay from him at the same price. We're talking $3/bale less that it's selling for anywhere else right now. Which means that the hay part of our barn needs to get cleaned out by Saturday afternoon. Hope the weather stays nice.
On the knitting note. Started the heel process of Mary Anne's second sock this morning. I'll be taking it to curling to work on.
I have some Briggs & Little durasport yarn in a peacock color that I'm trying to decide what to do with. I have 2 skeins. I had thought of socks with it, but now I'm thinking I'd like the color to be seen more. (since it is my last name) The Irish Hiking scarf that Nova Knitter just finished is sort of calling to me, but I'm not sure if the yarn would be suitable. What do you think Donna?
Guess I had better stop babbling.