Wednesday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day!

We got the kids on the bus at 8:34 this morning, and shortly after that I took off for my work. One day of work. A long day of work. But, a fun day!

What was I doing? I was delivering flowers for the local flower shop. Started at 9, stopped at 4:30. Surprised a few people, made lots of people happy. Drove a whole lot.

The weatehr turned rotten about mid-morning. Started to snow. Then it was wet snow. Then it got slippery. At one point I couldn't see where I was driving. Now it's raining and very windy. YUCK!

The kids went to school until lunchtime today. Daddy was home with them for the afternoon.
When I got home from working I got my Valentine's gift - he had supper just about ready :) He made a batch of waffles - they were good!

And that's my day in a nutshell :)


Mary Anne said...

it sounds like a very nice day!
Happy Valentines to you.

lexa said...

Sounds like a nice day apart from the weather. We didn't get anything but heavy flurries, not even really enough to turn the road white. Then it was wind, rain, freezing rain. Yucky!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

How many days this February have they actually had a full day of school?