Here's hoping blogger will let me upload pictures today!

Here you see an angel playing a trumpet, a sititng cat, Christmas lights, a cat face and a cat and dog. They are cut on slab wood left over from lumber production at a local lumber mill. It's my new addiction :)
I've also been knititng. Little socks for a little someone. Bigger socks for a bigger someone else, who sometimes reads this blog, so I can't say her name. And, no, Jennifer, it's not you :) Have a pair of socks that I just started last night on the go now. Want to knit some dishcloths for a Christmas gift.
I entered a contest (on behalf of Katie) on Sheila Loves to Knit and won some yarn. 12 balls in total; two of each of the colors shown on her site, plus some extra yarn. She and I will use the yarn to knit scarves to sell as a bit of a fund raiser for the local animal shelter. Tell you, she's on lucky kid!!
She's also a bit of a sad kid. We listed our shetland pony for sale yesterday. We'll miss him, but he's not getting ridden, she's outgrown him. He needs to go to a new little boy or girl to teach them how to ride. (think she'd buy that??)
Have a good one!!
Nice scroll saw work! I love cats, so that one really caught my eye. Ah, the talent!
The scroll work is great! Multi talented person.
Hope your pony sale goes well. That must be very hard to do.
Beautiful work, Dorothy. I'm sorry to hear about your pony. I know Katie will miss him but she will have many good memories of their times together.
Hmmm, maybe one of her scarves is a Christmas idea for Janna, I think it's something she might be able to use and it's not too big/heavy if she wants to take it up north.
: )
I don't immagine Kaitlyn's too happy right now about Tiny though.
Beautiful scroll work, Dorothy! It's always a sad time when you have to say goodbye to a beloved pet, but as you said, he can go onto let other children learn how to ride.
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