Sunday, July 11

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's my birthday.
I have no special plans - other than a bananasplit at some point today.
Just the way I like it - no fuss :)

Have completed another shirt. Supposed to be for Katie, but the sleeves are too short. Hopefully I'll be able to sell it. Will have to post pictures of it later, I'm on the netbook, and apparently can't access the pictures on the "big" computer :(

Maybe I'll have that banana split for breakfast??


lexa said...

Happy birthday! I think a banana split is good at any time on your birthday. :)

Donna M said...

Happy Birthday! What a great idea! Banana splits. I have a birthday next month and shall have to remember that!

Mary Anne said...

Happy Birthday, dear Dorothy! Enjoy every moment.

Barbara from Nova Scotia said...

Happy belated Birthday! Hope you realize that birthday banana splits contain zero calories. :)